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ebook 700 Chess Problems
700 Chess Problems
The Chess Problems contained in this volume are the product of the labour and recreation of some fourteen years. I say “labour,” because I am not such a Chess enthusiast as to believe that a collection such as this can be produced without persistent application partaking of the nature of work; and “recreation,” because the work has been a pleasure—how great a pleasure only a composer can fully realize. Although a large number of the problems have been republished in numerous papers at home and abroad, only the name of the publication in which each originally appeared is given. Exclusive of the prize list, in about a dozen cases with a view to an improvement, they have been more or less reset since their first appearance. The six added to this collection in letterpress at the end of the Solutions are the last composed.

To the best of my belief there is not a single instance of a dual continuation, and not being an admirer of dual mates, they are very few and far between.
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 Edith Baird   Englisch  CC 3: by-nc-nd  31.01.2005  788.78 KB  296  3.941
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Edith BairdEdith Elina Helen Winter-Wood Baird, bekannt als Edith Baird, (* 22. Februar 1859 als Edith Elina Helen Winter-Wood; † 1. Februar 1924 in Paignton) war eine englische Schachkomponistin. Sie veröffentlichte als Mrs. William James Baird.





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