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ebook Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard
"Old Mother Hubbard" is an English-language nursery rhyme, first given an extended printing in 1805, although the exact origin of the rhyme is disputed. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 19334. After a notable nursery success, it was eventually adapted to a large variety of practical and entertaining uses.

From the 1830s there were a number of translations and adaptations of the rhyme in Europe. In France appeared Aventures plaisantes de Madame Gaudichon et de son chien (1832), imitées de l’anglais (imitated from the English), in which the dog had been given the name Zozo. In about 1830 there was a German translation, Komische Abentheuer der Frau Hubbard und ihrein Hunde (The comic adventures of Dame Hubbard and her dog), which adapted the Robert Branston illustrations and was published from Mainz. It was followed some years later by another German translation that also used the Branston illustrations, Geschichte der Madam Rips und ihres Hundes Bello (The tale of Madam Rep and her dog Woof).

Later came two Dutch translations: In the 1850s, Kluchtige tafereelen van Grootje Goedsloof met haar aardig hondje Blaf (Comical scenes of Granny Goodleaf with her pretty doggy Woof). In that, the Branston illustrations are provided with rhyming captions and the story is told in a more leisurely manner. It was followed in 1860 by Moeder Hubbard en haar hond. Though that keeps more or less to the original story-line, it too is at wordier length. The opening lines, which have no English counterpart, give a fair idea of its discursive style.

London, 1819
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Sarah Catherine MartinSarah Catherine Martin (1768 - 1826) sammelte den Kinderreim Old Mother Hubbard. Sie litt unter den Aufmerksamkeiten eines sehr jungen Prinzen William Henry und heiratete nie, aber als Besucherin im Devonshire-Haus ihrer Schwester, Frau Pollexfen Bastard, versammelte sie den Reim über die Haushälterin ihrer Schwester zur Unterhaltung der Mitgäste, obwohl sie möglicherweise nicht dafür verantwortlich ist für die ersten paar Zeilen.





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