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Roger Stephen Young

AutorRoger Stephen Young lives in Pennsylvania and graduated from The Pennsylvania State University in 1981 where he majored in physics and was interested in transistors.

He went to the California State University at Fullerton and worked on a Master's degree in electrical engineering for two years but didn't complete it because he got a job at Texas Instruments before finishing. He worked there for 3 months in 1985.


ebook How Computers Work
Computers are the most complex machines that have ever been created. Very few people really know how they work. This book will tell you how they work and no technical knowledge is required. It explains the operation of a simple, but fully functional, computer in complete detail. The simple compter described consists mainly of a processor and main memory. Relays, which are explained, are used in .... Weiterlesen...
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 Roger Stephen Young  Web   Englisch  CC 3: by-nc-nd  03.02.2005  765.45 KB  158  9.896




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